Agilent / HP / Keysight E1852B
E1852B Bluetooth® Test Set
This test set has the features needed to verify the functionality and performance of your Bluetooth devices.
It also has the ability to control the device under test through its RF interface.
Key Points
RF Frequency Range 2402MHz - 2480MHz, 79 channels at 1MHz spacing
Frequency Counter Input Range 10KHz to 15MHz
Input/Output Connectors
- RF In/Out N(f), 50Ω (nominal)
- Counter In BNC(f), high impedance
- GPIB Connector, IEEE 488 Standard
Bluetooth Host Controller used for high throughput manufacturing
applications and as a development or service tool
Establishes a link using standard Bluetooth protocol
Fast functional test and performance test over the RF interface
Measures key transmitter parameters of power, modulation, frequency
error, frequency drift, and receiver sensitivity
Perform critical RF measurements (with PC interface) like Initial Carrier
Frequency Error, FM Deviation, Peak and Average Power and Bit Error Rate
Additional features aid module calibration and diagnostics
More detailed analysis and fault finding is possible using frequency versus
time, power versus time, or power versus channel number
RF Frequency Range 2402MHz - 2480MHz, 79 channels at 1MHz spacing
Frequency Counter Input Range 10KHz to 15MHz
Input/Output Connectors
- RF In/Out N(f), 50Ω (nominal)
- Counter In BNC(f), high impedance
- GPIB Connector, IEEE 488 Standard
Bluetooth Host Controller used for high throughput manufacturing
applications and as a development or service tool
Establishes a link using standard Bluetooth protocol
Fast functional test and performance test over the RF interface
Measures key transmitter parameters of power, modulation, frequency
error, frequency drift, and receiver sensitivity
Perform critical RF measurements (with PC interface) like Initial Carrier
Frequency Error, FM Deviation, Peak and Average Power and Bit Error Rate
Additional features aid module calibration and diagnostics
More detailed analysis and fault finding is possible using frequency versus
time, power versus time, or power versus channel number