Agilent / HP / Keysight 83440B
83440B DC-6 GHz Lightwave Converter
This unit features hermetically sealed, unamplified InGaAs photodiodes.
Input port has universal optical interface that is compatible with most optical connectors (9/125um fiber).
Output ports have a precision 3.5mm microwave coaxial connector.
This unit's Option 050 is terminated in 50ohms to prevent reflections between the receiver's output and an Agilent 87441 filter's input to maintain the fourth order Bessel Thomson response.
Key Points
Fast 73ps Full Width Half Max (FWHM) pulse response
Broad 6GHz bandwidth (3dB opt)
Small, convenient package
Low pulse aberrations
Integral bias regulation
Ideal for high speed digitizing oscilloscopes
Form Factor: Module
Type: Converters
Wavelength Range: 1000nm to 1600nm
Connector Type to DUT: APC(f)
Inter connect connector type: 3.5mm(f)
Return Loss: 33dB