Agilent / HP / Keysight 8720ES
8720ES S-parameter Network Analyzer, 50 MHz to 20 GHz
The Agilent/HP 8720ES S-Parameter vector network analyzer is an instrument which measures the complex transmission and reflection characteristics of two port devices in the frequency domain.
The 8720ES does this by sampling the incident signal, separating the transmitted and reflected waves, and then performing ratios that are directly related to the reflection and transmission coefficients of the two port.
Frequency is swept to rapidly obtain amplitude and phase information over a band of frequencies of interest.
The 8720ES Network Analyzer utilizes synthesized frequency sources to provide a known test stimulus that can sweep across a range of frequencies or power levels.
The 8720ES also can perform ratioed measurements (including phase), which require multiple receivers.
The 8720ES can provide a wealth of knowledge about a device under test (DUT), including its magnitude, phase, and group-delay response.
Data, instrument states, user graphics, data plots, and test sequences can be stored on internal floppy disk in MS-DOS or Agilent’s standard LIF formats.
Test sequences can be stored internally in RAM, to an internal or external disk drive, or loaded from a computer over the GPIB interface. Sequence 6 is saved in nonvolatile storage and can be used as an autostart routine when titled AUTO.
Each display channel of the 8720ES has five independent markers that can be displayed simultaneously. Twenty independent markers can be displayed in the 4-channel display mode when markers are uncoupled.
Option 007 replaces the standard solid-state transfer switch with a mechanical switch to provide
higher output power. Option 085 adds internally controlled 0 to 55 dB step attenuators (5 dB steps) in the receiver path of both ports, an RF loop that allows the addition of an amplifier before the transfer switch, and RF loops after the switch that allow insertion of isolators, required for measurements above 1 watt.
Option 012 allows transmission measurements that bypass the receiver coupler for improved signal-to-noise and sensitivity. The system is capable of antenna measurements to –110 dBm at 40 GHz, and filter rejection measurements to 120 dB.
Option 089 allows direct conversion loss measurement of mixers without need for a reference mixer. RF and IF frequencies must be within the specified operating range of the instrument. This test set modification adds an internal reference channel switch and deletes the reference channel output.
Key Points
Output accuracy of 2dB
DIN keyboard
GPIB, Parallel port and RS-232 connectivity
Excellent measurement accuracy
Two measurement channels
Four display channels
Frequency and power sweeps
Fast sweep and data transfer speed
Pass/Fail testing, powerful marker functions
Electronic calibration (ECal)
Internal automation with test-sequencing
Optional time-domain, high power test set, four samplers and TRL calibration, direct sampler access, frequency-offset mode
Frequency Accuracy: +/- 10ppm
Output Power Range: 3.16228mW