Tektronix P6204
10X 1GHz FET Probe
The Tektronix P6204 is a 1 GHz FET Probe, Miniature Tip.
The P6204 FET Probe is a low circuit loading signal acquisition probe for Communications Signal Analyzers, for Digitizing Signal Analyzers, for the 11000 Series and the TDS Family of Oscilloscopes. The P6204 is designed with FET devices for its inputs, so it will allow very high input resistance values and low input capacitances. The P6204 has a wide linear dynamic input range for accessing most digital device families using today's logic voltage levels. The power for the P6204 is supplied by the CSA, DSA, TDS and 11000 Series mainframes through the TEKPROBE BNC Interface, this will eliminate the need for extra cabling and/or for external power supplies. An 1103 TEKPROBE™ Power Supply or a TEKPROBE™ Interface is required.
Key Points
Attenuation: 10X
Bandwidth: 1000 MHz
Rise Time: 350 ps
Loading Input R/C: 1 kohm/<12 pF (1.8 pF typical)
Max Input, dc + pk ac: ± 40 V
Scope Input Impedance: 50 ohm
Propagation Delay: 8.4 ns ± 200 ps
DC Offset Range: ± 15 V
Readout/identify: Yes/Yes