Tektronix 1730D
Waveform Monitor PAL
This unit offers the additional benefit of digital video testing via serial composite digital inputs.
These wideband, high return loss loop throughs allow the instrument to tap and
monitor a 143Mb/s (177Mb/s PAL) Serial Composite Digital link.
The 1730D Series also offers an EYE Pattern display of the serial input. This provides an indication of the analog performance of the digital channel. The EYE display is formed by equivalent time sampling.
A wideband sample-and-hold takes snap shots of the data stream's voltage
at particular instants in time and displays these values against a calibrated time axis. This allows observation of the amplitude, rise time, and jitter of the serial bit
Key Points
Two analog composite inputs
Two serial digital composite inputs
One parallel digital composite input
Passive loop-through for serial inputs
Precision analog display of digitalinput
Equivalent Time Sampler
Performance and Economy
Full Frame Line Select
Simultaneous Channel A and B Display
Dual Filter Display
One-button Front Panel Recall
RGB/YRGB Display Capability
Parallax-free Internal Graticules
Differential Phase and Gain Measurement
Stereo Audio Phase Measurement
Vector Center Dot Clamping
Remote Control Capability
Available in NTSC and PAL Standards as Well as Dual Standard
White Phosphor Available
Bandwidth: 350MHz
p>Risetime: <1ns
Return Loss: >25dB, 50KHz to 200MHz
Insertion Loss: <1%
Input Signal: 143Mb/s (NTSC) 177Mb/s (PAL) scrambled NAZI
p>SCH Phase Error : <10°`