Fluke 8810A
Digital Multimeter 5.5 Digits
This Digital Multimeter has DC Voltmeter is a low cost, 5 1/2 digit DC voltmeter that has 200mV, 2, 20, 200 and 1200V ranges plus autoranging capabilities.
The long term stability of the reference voltage source is typically 10ppm, with a 1 year basic DC voltage accuracy specification of 0.01%.
DC resolution is 1µV.
Input resistance is greater than or equal to 1000Mohms on 200mV, 2V and 20V ranges, 10mohms on the 200V and 1200V ranges.
Key Points
5.5 digits
Benchtop form factor
Meter type digital display
Input resistance is greater than or equal to 1000Mohms on 200mV, 2V and 20V ranges
Number of digits: 5½ digit
DC resolution: 1µV
DC voltage accuracy: 0.01%
DC voltmeter: 200mV, 2, 20, 200 and 1200V
Voltage source: 10ppm