Fluke 123-003
Scopemeter 20MHz 2Ch 1.5GSa/s
This Scopemeter is the rugged solution for industrial troubleshooting and installation applications.
It is a truly integrated test tool, with oscilloscope, multimeter and “paperless” recorder in one affordable, easy to use instrument.
Find fast answers to problems in machinery, instrumentation, control and power systems.
In the complex systems of today, a meter measurement just does not give enough detail to determine the cause of a fault.
Signal anomalies, dropouts and glitches that might cause a machine to go down, are best displayed with an oscilloscope.
Key Points
Dual input 40MHz or 20MHz digital oscilloscope
Two 5,000 counts true RMS digital multimeters
Automatic measurements
A dual input TrendPlot recorder
Connect and View trigger simplicity for hands off operation
Shielded test leads for oscilloscope, resistance and continuity measurements
Frequency range/ Bandwith: 20MHz
Maximum vertical sensitivity: 1mV/div
Number of channels: 2Ch
Record length: 512000
Sample rate: 1.25GS/s
Type (D/A): Digital hand held