Agilent / HP / Keysight N6751A
N6751A High Performance Autoranging DC Power Module, 50V, 5A, 50W
Agilent high performance DC power supplies offer speed and accuracy for test optimization. The single low-profile modular power system, 50-300 W, GPIB, LAN, USB, LXI Class C N6700B series provides small size up to 4 outputs in 1U of rack space; 20 DC power modules, basic, performance and precision models; as well as fast output programming with active down programming. The Agilent 100W, N6752A is a high-performance, autoranging DC power module that provides low noise, high accuracy and programming speeds that are up to 10 to 50 times faster than other programmable power supplies.
Key Points
High Performance Autoranging DC Power Module, 50V, 5A, 50W
Ideal for ATE applications where the power supply has a critical role as a
power source and measurement instrument
Low ripple and noise
High accuracy built in measurement of voltage and current
Fast command processing times to improve throughput
Fast output changes, with 0V to 50V or 50V to 0V transitions in less than
5 milliseconds
Outputs can be sequenced
Outputs can be connected in series or parallel
Options include output disconnect relays and High Speed Test Extensions
(adds ARB like capability and digitizer to capture dynamic measurements
of voltage or current)
Output Ratings
Voltage: 50 V
Current (derated 1% per °C above 40°C): 5 A
Power: 50 W
Programming Accuracy (at 23°C ±5°C after 30 minute warm-up. Applies from min. to max. program)
Voltage high range: 0.06% + 19 mV
Voltage low range (= 5.5 V): N/A
Current high range: 0.1% + 20 mA
Current low range (= 100 mA, @ 0 - 7 V): N/A
Ripple & Noise from 20 Hz to 20 MHz
CV peak-to-peak: 4.5 mV
CV rms: 350 µV
(PARD) CC rms: 2 mA
Load Effect (Regulation) (for any output load change, with a maximum load-lead drop of 1 V per lead)
Voltage: 2 mV
Current (@ 0 - 7 V): 2 mA
(@ 0 - 50 V): 2 mA