Agilent / HP / Keysight N2276A
N2276A 26.5 GHz Dual 1x6 Microwave Multiplexer
The Agilent N2276A 26.5 GHz Dual 1x6 is a Microwave Multiplexer.
This 3-slot N2276A module has dual 1 x 6 (option 206) microwave multiplexers, with excellent insertion loss, isolation and VSWR performance. With option 204, the N2276A will become a dual 1 x 4 microwave multiplexer and will still keep all the other features. The modular N2276A can fit your application channel density needs, minimizing redundant channels, while offering the most cost effective microwave switching. The N2276A can be used in the testing of cellular phone, cordless phone, mobile radios, cellular base station, broadband wireless communication transceivers, RFICs, and also high-speed digital circuits.
Key Points
Quick set-up microwave switching saving integration time.
Modular microwave switching fit every application
Can drive two external microwave attenuators.