Agilent / HP / Keysight E1326B
E1326B 5.5 Digit Multimeter, B-Size
This Multimeter is a B-size, 2 slot, register based VXI module.
This unit can be used in the E1302A or the E1300/01/A/B mainframes.
Using the Internal Installation Kit (E1326-80004) or Option 009 when ordering the E1300/01/A/B, the E1326B can be mounted internally in the E1300/01/A/B mainframes (saving two module slots).
This instrument is especially well suited for data acquisition and computer aided test applications.
It can be used as an integrating A/D to make 5.5 digit, low noise measurements, or switch to the sampling A/D to make 14 bit readings at rates up to 13KHz.
By sending just one SCPI command to the E1300/01/A/B mainframe built-in command module or the E1306A command module, you can program the multimeter and the channels of your multiplexers at one time.
It also provides flexible triggering with built-in timer pacer.
Key Points
2-Slot, B-size, register based
DCV, ACV, 2- & 4-wire Ohm, temperature
5.5-digit low-noise integrating A/D
13KHz high-speed sampling A/D
Balanced differential isolated inputs
Software calibration
Flexible Triggering & Built-In Time Pace
Form factor: Module (VXI)
DC Volts range: 125mV to 300V
DC Volts basic 1 yr accuracy: 0.0145 %
AC Volts range: 87.5mV to 300V
AC Volts Frequency: 20Hz to 10KHz
AC Volts Basic 1 Year Accuracy: 0.84 %
Normal Mode Rejection Ratio: 84dB
Common mode Rejection Ratio: 150dB
Resistance 2 wire/4 wire: 2 Wire,4 Wire
Resistance Range: 256ohms to 1Mohm