Agilent / HP / Keysight 8564E
8564E Portable Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 40 GHz
The Agilent 8564E portable millimeter spectrum analyzer offers the measurement capability and performance previously found in larger, more expensive benchtop analyzers. You can measure signals from 30 Hz to 40 GHz (preselected above 2.75 GHz) with a single coaxial connection.
The 8564E combines outstanding phase noise, sensitivity, 1 Hz resolution bandwidths, synthesized tuning and wide dynamic range in a MIL-rugged package built to withstand harsh environmental conditions. It offers a complete solution for adjacent-channel power (ACP) testing of burst carrier signals using digital modulation, and the ability to measure occupied bandwidth percentage.
Key Points
Continuous 30 Hz to 40 GHz sweep
Fast digital resolution bandwidths of 1, 3, 10, 30 and 100 Hz
Adjacent channel power, channel power, carrier power, occupied bandwidth percentage and time-gated measurements standard
Precision timebase and 1 Hz counter resolution
MIL-T-28800 rugged
Measurement personalities for digital radio and phase noise measurements
Frequency range:
Internal mixing: 30 Hz to 40 GHz
External mixing:18 GHz to 325 GHz
Sweep time:
Span = 0 Hz:50 µs to 6000 s
Span ±100 Hz:
RBW >=300 Hz: 50 ms to 2000 s
RBW <=100 Hz: 50 ms to 100 ks
Resolution bandwidth:
Range (–3 dB) :1 Hz to 1 MHz in a 1, 3, 10 sequence and 2 MHz (3 MHz at –6 dB)
Video bandwidth: 1 Hz to 3 MHz in a 1, 3, 10 sequence
Maximum safe input level:
Average continuous power: +30 dBm (1 W, input attn =10 dB)
Peak pulse power(=10 µs pulse width,<1% duty cycle):+50 dBm (100 W,input attn =30 dB)
Displayed average noise level (DANL)(0 dB attenuation, 1 Hz resolution bandwidth):
30 Hz:<=90 dBm
1 kHz:<=105 dBm
10 kHz:<=120 dBm
100 kHz:<=120 dBm
1 MHz to 10 MHz:<=140 dBm
10 MHz to 2.9 GHz:<=145 dBm
2.9 GHz to 6.46 GHz:<=147dBm
6.46 GHz to 13.2 GHz:<=143 dBm
13.2 GHz to 22.0 GHz:<=140 dBm
22.0 GHz to 26.8 GHz:<=136 dBm
26.8 GHz to 31.15 GHz :<=139 dBm
31.15 GHz to 40 GHz :<=130 dBm
40 GHz to 50 GHz:<=127 dBm
Dynamic range:
Compression to noise:
10 MHz to 2.9 GHz:>145 dB
2.9 GHz to 6.46 GHz:>147 dB
6.46 GHz to 13.2 GHz:>140 dB
13.2 GHz to 22.0 GHz:>137 dB
22.0 GHz to 26.8 GHz:>133 dB
26.8 GHz to 31.15 GHz: >139 dB
31.15 GHz to 40 GHz: >130 dB
40 GHz to 50 GHz:>127 dB
20 MHz to 1.45 GHz:>92 dB
1.45 GHz to 2 GHz:>111 dB
2 GHz to 3.25 GHz:>113.5 dB
3.25 GHz to 6.6 GHz:>111.5 dB
6.6 GHz to 11 GHz:>110 dB
11 GHz to 13.4 GHz:>108 dB
13.4 GHz to 15.6 GHz: >109.5 dB
15.6 GHz to 20 GHz :>105 dB
20 GHz to 25 GHz:>103.5 dB
10 MHz to 2.9 GHz:>104 dB
2.9 GHz to 6.46 GHz:>108 dB
6.46 GHz to 13.2 GHz:>100 dB
13.2 GHz to 22.0 GHz:>98 dB
22.0 GHz to 26.8 GHz:>95.5 dB
26.8 GHz to 31.15 GHz: >101 dB (nominal)
31.15 GHz to 40 GHz: >95 dB (nominal)
40 GHz to 50 GHz:>93 dB (nominal)
Reference level range ;Log, adjustable in 0.1 dB steps:
30 Hz to 31.15 GHz: –120 to +30 dBm
31.15 GHz to 50 GHz :–115 to +30 dBm
Environmental specifications:
Calibration interval:1 year
Warm-up time: 5-minutes in ambient conditions
Temperature:–10 °C to +55 °C (operating); –51 °C to +71 °C (not operating
Maximum power dissipation:260 W
Dimensions (w/o handle, cover): 337 mm W x 187 mm H x 461 mm D
Weight (nominal):21 kg (46 lbs)
Power requirements:
115 VAC operation: 90 to 140 V rms, 3.2 A rms max, 47 to 440 Hz
230 VAC operation: 180 to 250 V rms, 1.8 A rms max, 47 to 66 Hz