Agilent / HP / Keysight 83434A
83434A 10 Gb/s Lightwave Receiver
The Receiver recovers clock and data from digitally modulated SONET/SDHOC 192/STM 64 optical signals.
Option 83434A 106 substitutes clock recovery for FEC signals at 10.664GHz, and option 83434A H31 recovers the clock for 10GigE.
The amplified PIN diode produces a linear output with AGC stabilization.
The receiver is designed to provide –16dBm sensitivity for a 231 1 PRBS with a BER performance of at least 1x10-10.
Key Points
PIN diode based receiver
Wavelength range from 1300 to 1600nm
Linear, non retimed data output
–16dBm sensitivity
Minimum Wavelength: 1300nm
Maximum Wavelength: 1600nm
Maximum Power: 0.01Watts