Agilent / HP / Keysight 81633A
81633A Optical Power Sensor Module
This power sensor is a basic measurement tool in the fiber optic industry.
Four different power sensor modules (81632A, 81633A, 81634A, 81635A) cover the important wavelengths and power range.
This unit is one of the power sensors.
It has excellent accuracy, high linearity, low polarization dependent loss (PDL) and best measurement results are ensured.
The measurement speed can come done to 200 microsecond, that will further optimize the power measurements.
This power sensor can also be used with the 164A Lightwave Measurement System and the 8166A Lightwave Multichannel System.
Key Points
Agilent Lightwave Mainframe Module
Optical Power Sensor Module
High performance series for 8163A Lightwave Multimeter
Power Range: + 10dBm to - 90dBm
Wavelength Range: 800 to 1700nm
Form Factor: Module
Number of Channels: 1Ch
Wavelength: 800nm to 1700nm
Maximum Power: 0.01Watts
Measurement Accuracy: 2.5 %