Agilent / HP / Keysight 6634A
6634A GPIB dc power supply, 0-100 Vdc, 0-1 A
This unit is a 100 watt, single output, series pass regulated supply is rated 100V @ ±1A.
Both the voltage and current output can be programmed for either CV or CC operation.
It has a built-in DCM and precision current shunt measure (readback) the actual power supply output.
It's internal HP-IB interface allows for complete programmability, including status reporting and interrupt generation with user designated fault conditions.
Key Points
Electronic Calibration
Input Power: 250VA, 250W
Prog resol: 25mV, 0.25mA
OVP: 500mV
OVP accu: 2.4%
Sink Current: 1A
Min Cur in Const Cur Mo: 4mA
Remote Sensing: 2V
Line Regulation: Electronic - 0.25mA
Load Regulation V/C: 5mV - 1mA
Other Features: 1mV - Input power
Output 1,Volts/ Max. Curren:t 100 Volts - 1 Amps
Total Power: 100 Watts
Type: DC - Single Out