Agilent / HP / Keysight 5071A
5071A Primary Frequency Standard
The Agilent 5071A primary frequency standard delivers unsurpassed accuracy, stability and reliability for the most demanding laboratory and field applications.
It is the first caesium (cesium ) standard to specify its stability for averaging times longer than a day. With a specification for 30-day averaging time, the 5071A's performance ensures that your calibration services are available longer.
The 5071A is easy to use. Automatic startup is simple and requires no adjustments. A logical menu structure simplifies front-panel operations, selections, and status reporting.
The 5071A can be operated and maintained anywhere. All controls are programmable, status can be checked remotely, and no adjustments or alignments are necessary during operation. An internal battery provides 45 minutes of backup in case of AC power failure.
Key Points
Performance suited to advanced communications and tracking systems
Frequency accuracy to 5 x 10-13
Long-term stability better than 1 x 10-14
Proven track record in military and commercial applications
Easy to use with automatic startup and intuitive menu structure.
Menu-driven Operation
Easy-to-read Clock and Message
Complete Status Information
Automatic Logging of Major
Internal Events
Full Clock and Frequency Control
Automatic Synchronization of
1PPS Signal
Performance suited to advanced communications and tracking systems
Frequency accuracy to 5 x 10-13
Long-term stability better than 1 x 10-14
Proven track record in military and commercial applications
Easy to use with automatic startup and intuitive menu structure.