Agilent / HP / Keysight 1725A
1725A 275MHZ SCOPE
This unit is a 275MHz scope that incorporates a single marker delayed sweep, and delta time measurement capabilities.
For easy percentage measurements, reference lines of 0% and 100% amplitude are five divisions apart and markings for 10%, 20%, 80%, and 90% are also provided for easy transition time measurements.
Vertical deflection factors of 10mV/div to 5V/div over the full bandwidth.
Available display modes of CH A, CH B, ALT, CHOP, A+B, & A vs. B and sweep ranges from 10 ns/div to 0.5 Sec/div (24 ranges), 1-2-5 sequence.
This scope offers a selectable 50-ohm or 1 Mohm input for the high performance required of laboratory and field applications dual-capability oscilloscopes.
Key Points
Vertical deflection factors of 10mV/div to 5V/div over the full bandwidth.
Available display modes of CH A, CH B, ALT, CHOP, A+B, & A vs. B
Sweep ranges from 10ns/div to 0.5 Sec/div (24 ranges), 1-2-5 sequence.
Vertical deflection factors of 10 mV/div to 5 V/div over the full bandwidth
Available display modes of CH A, CH B, ALT, CHOP, A+B, & A vs. B
Sweep ranges from 10ns/div to 0.5 Sec/div (24 ranges), 1-2-5 sequence