Agilent / HP / Keysight E4436B
E4436B ESG-DP Series Digital RF Signal Generator, 3 GHz
The Agilent/HP E4436B RF signal generator sets a new price-performance level by offering excellent spectral purity, analog and digital modulation capabilities that are ideal for general-purpose research and development, manufacturing or troubleshooting applications.
The E4436B provides a comprehensive feature set, it generates standard and custom digital modulation formats, filtering and burst shapes, as well as versatile analog modulation, with superior quality, reliability and worldwide support.
The Agilent E4436B signal generator belongs to the ESG-DP family of signal generators which are analog instruments with high spectral purity.
The E4436B signal generator incorporate a broad array of capabilities for testing both analog and digital communications systems. Flexible options provides a test solution that will evaluate the performance of a communication system to the requirements of nearly all current and proposed air interface standards.
The E4436B Signal Generator will provide outstanding phase noise performance, analog and digital modulation features for all your general purpose test needs.
The E4436B will produce an excellent performance with superior quality, reliability and worldwide support.
The E4436B unit provides comprehensive analog modulation capabilities, that are AM, FM, phase modulation and pulse modulation.
The E4436B is ideally suited to meet the requirements of today's receiver test, component test and local oscillator application.
The E4436B has three options for attenuators in addition to its standard attenuator. The standard attenuator is an electronic attenuator.
Option UNB is a mechanical attenuator that provides approximately 4 dB more output power than the electronic attenuator.
Option UNA is also an electronic attenuator but it is optimized for controlling alternate timeslots in TDMA frames.
Key Points
Expandable architecture
Broad frequency coverage
Choice of electronic or mechanical attenuator
Superior level accuracy
Wideband FM and ΦM
Step sweep (frequency, power and list)
Built-in function generator
Lightweight, rack-mountable
Broadband analog I/Q inputs
I/Q adjustment capabilities and internal calibration
Excellent modulation accuracy and stability
Coherent carrier output
Built-in dual arbitrary waveform generator
Multichannel, multicarrier CDMA personality
Multichannel, multicarrier W-CDMA 1.0 personality
Multichannel cdma2000 personality
Real-time 3GPP W-CDMA personality
Real-time cdma2000 personality
Real-time EDGE personality
Internal bit-error-rate analyzer
Versatile timeslot, data and burst generation
Adjustable symbol rates, filter factors and burst shape
Underrange: 100KHz
Accuracy: Same as timebase
Dwell time: 1 ms to 60 s
Number of points; 2 to 401
Modulation AM, Pulse, Wideband FM
Storage temperature: -40 to 70°C
Dimensions: 133 mm H x 426 mm W x 432 mm D (5.25 in H x 16.8 in W x 17 in D)