Agilent / HP / Keysight 71452B
71452B Optical Spectrum Analyzer Module
The Agilent 71452B is the result of the optical amplifiers research, development, and manufacturing industries need for innovative measurement techniques and stringent performance specifications.
The Agilent/HP 71452B contains enhanced optical components for excellent accuracy in characterizing optical amplifiers and offers ciritical measurement capabilities needed in the laboratory and the production floor.
The 71452B is a diffraction-grating based optical spectrum analyzer using a unique double-pass monochromator design which offers the dynamic range of a double monochromator and the sensitivity of a single monochromator.
The 71452B perform measurements quickly, especially when high sensitivity is required also provides unprecedented performance with their outstanding dynamic range, high amplitude and wavelength accuracy, and polarization insensitivity.
The 71452B is capable of sweeping 40 nm in 50 ms with reduced dead time; the analyzer can save hours of measurement time as it can be left continually sweeping and no need to stop the sweep to save wear and avoid costly repairs.
The 71452B analyzer consists of a mainframe, color display, optical spectrum analyzer module and a special keypad for ease of use and it can be added to an existing MMS system.
The 71452B optical spectrum analyzer includes built-in programs for advanced measurement on DFB and Fabry-Perot lasers and LEDs. The LED measurement identifies and measures the spectral full-width half-maximum value, mean-wavelength position, and peak-power density.
Key Points
Excellent sensitivity, dynamic range and wavelength accuracy
LED, Fabry-Perot, or DFB laser characterization
Stimulus response system for optical components
Polarization dependent loss versus wavelength
EDFA characterization with all common optical test methods
Form factor: Benchtop
Fiber type: Singlemode
Wavelength: 600nm to 1700nm
Wavelength resolution: 0.08nm to 10nm
Span Range: 0.2 nm, full range and zero span
Differential Accuracy: ±0.1 nm
Tuning Repeatibility: ±0.005 nm
Stability: 0.005 nm
Input power: > +10 dBm
Sweep Time: 40 nm/50 ms
Minimum span: 0.2nm
Maximum dynamic range: -58dB
Minimum sweep time: 50ms
Maximum sweep time: 50ms
Connector type (main signal): FC/PC