Agilent / HP / Keysight 8711B
8711B Economy Network Analyzer
This unit is an instrument which measures the complex transmission and reflection characteristics of two-port devices in the frequency domain.
It samples the incident signal, separating the transmitted and reflected waves, and then performing ratios that are directly related to the reflection and transmission coefficients of the two-port.
Frequency is swept to rapidly obtain amplitude and phase information over a band of frequencies of interest.
Key Points
Integrated transmission/reflection test set and synthesized source
Narrowband and broadband detection
"Real time" sweep speed (50ms/sweep)
Internal 3 1/2-inch disk drive (LIF/DOS formats)
100dB of system dynamic range
Optional AM delay and cable test capabilities
Frequency Accuracy: 0.0005 %
Output Power Range: 0.001W - 19.9526W
Input Noise Level :
- 70dBc/Hz @10 kHz offset (phase noise)