Agilent / HP / Keysight 4142B
4142B Modular DC Source/Monitor
This unit offers a wide measurement range and excellent sensitivity, thhis modular DC source/monitor is a system-use DC measurement instrument especially designed for high-throughput dc semiconductor testers.
A completely user-definable system component, this unit features modular architecture that allows you to build a custom configuration to suit your measurement needs.
With its eight plug-in module slots you can accommodate any combination of modules.
You can choose from two types of source/monitor units (SMUs) to force or measure up to ±200V and ±1A: a high-current source/monitor unit (HCU) up to ±10A, a high voltage source/monitor unit (HVU) up to ±1000V, a voltage source/voltage monitor unit (VS/VMU), and an analog feedback unit (AFU).
This units instrument command and measurement datastorage capabilities, coupled with the high-speed HP-IB interface, minimize computer loading, enhance throughput, and simplify systemization.
Key Points
Wide measurement range (± 20 Amperes, ± 2000 Volts)
Excellent Sensitivity (20fA, 4μV)
Lightning fast speed
Highly Accurate (5-digit, .05%V and 0.2% I)
Many Measurement Modes: Pulsed or DC, Analog Search, Linear, Log, and Dual Channel Sweeps
Flexible, modular architecture.
Wide measurement range with high resolution.
Pulse measurement capabilities.
Pulse width 1ms to 50ms, 100µs resolution.
High-speed measurement (typical).
Sourcing or monitoring: 4ms.
Vth, hFE extracting: 12ms.
Internal memory.
Program memory: > 2000 commands (typical).
Data memory: 4004 measurement points.